Photograph by Sky Hatter for Utah Arts Alliance, courtesy of WESTAF.

Western States Arts Federation

Includes Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawai’i, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, American Samoa, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), and Guam.

WESTAF (Western States Arts Federation) weaves technology, diverse thought leadership and innovation to energize, network, and fund public sector arts agencies and communities. We assist state arts agencies, arts organizations, and artists in their quest to serve diverse audiences, enrich the lives of local communities, and provide access to the arts and arts education for all. Through innovative programming, advocacy, research, technology, and grantmaking, we encourage the creative advancement and preservation of the arts regionally and through a national network of customers and alliances.

Creativity Explored artist Vincent Jackson shows off one of his artworks to two women visiting the studio.
Creativity Explored artist Vincent Jackson shows off one of his artworks to two women visiting the studio. Photo by Evguenia Shtill, courtesy of WESTAF.
Four actors on stage wearing bright red and white clothes performing Departera: the road to the afterlife.
Teatro Visión’s Departera: the road to the afterlife (2021), courtesy of WESTAF.

Selected WESTAF Opportunities

A group of 20 arts leaders of color smiling and posing on an outdoor street

National Leaders of Color Fellowship

Opportunity (For Individuals)

The National Leaders of Color Fellowship is a strategic leadership development program for BIPOC leaders nationwide who are committed to the advancement of cultural equity in the arts. 

Western States Arts Federation
Western States Arts Federation
A logo that reads ZAPP

ZAPP® (Zapplication)

Resource (For Individuals, Organizations)

ZAPP provides in-person art fair and festival administrators with a suite of tools to digitally collect and jury applications, manage booth payments, and communicate with applicants all in one easy-to-use digital platform. 

Western States Arts Federation
Western States Arts Federation
A logo that reads Cafe

CaFÉ™ (Call for Entry)

Resource (For Individuals, Organizations)

Call for Entry (CaFÉ) is an online application submission system designed for the arts sector to help organizations manage their call for entry processes. 

Western States Arts Federation
Western States Arts Federation