Statements of Interest Are Now Closed
Thank you for your interest in ArtsHERE
The submission window for ArtsHERE Statements of Interest closed on January 19, 2024. Applicants will be notified of their status by March 1, 2024. The guidelines below are for reference only.

If you would like to learn about additional programs from the National Endowment for the Arts or your local Regional Arts Organization, please visit or your respective RAO website for more information.

El plazo de presentación de declaraciones de interés de ArtsHERE se cerró el 19 de enero de 2024. Los solicitantes serán notificados de su estado antes del 1 de marzo de 2024. Las pautas a continuación son solo como referencia.

Si desea obtener información sobre programas adicionales del Fondo Nacional de las Artes (National Endowment for the Arts, NEA) o su organización artística regional local (Regional Arts Organization, RAO), visite o su sitio web de RAO respectivo para obtener más información.

Who ArtsHERE is for

ArtsHERE invests in organizations that have
  • Demonstrated a commitment to equity within their practices and programming
  • Undertaken consistent engagement with underserved groups/communities.

Applications are welcome from organizations that are diverse in terms of geography, scale of operations, and focus of arts programming; as well as organizations that work at the intersection of the arts and other domains, such as community development, health/well-being, climate/environment, or economic development.

Learn more about eligibility in the guidelines below.

What ArtsHERE Provides

Funded Organizations Will Receive:
  • Investment: Managed by South Arts, ArtsHERE will award approximately 95 nonprofit organizations with nonmatching grants of $65,000 to $130,000. Grants are for specific projects that will strengthen each organization’s capacity to sustain meaningful community engagement and increase arts participation for underserved groups/communities.
  • Learning: ArtsHERE will offer grantees peer-learning and technical assistance opportunities, designed to share knowledge and build networks.
  • Evaluation: As a pilot program, ArtsHERE will be documented and evaluated by the National Endowment for the Arts to better understand the project activities supported through this program and how grantees approached the work, and to inspire others. The evaluation will result in a summary of lessons learned and may inform the future of ArtsHERE and other similar funding programs and practices.


Statement of Interest Opens
November 15, 2023
ArtsHERE Overview Webinar (Recording Available Below)
November 30, 2023
Statement of Interest Closes
January 19, 2024
Finalists Notified
March 1, 2024
Full Application (By Invitation) Opens
March 8, 2024
Full Application (By Invitation) Closes
April 19, 2024
Earliest Date for Grantee Notification
August 1, 2024

About ArtsHERE

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) awards thousands of grants each year to provide diverse opportunities for arts participation. However, historically underserved communities with rich and dynamic cultural identities continue to report lower arts participation rates than other groups. To address these disparities and better understand these dynamics, the NEA, in partnership with South Arts and in collaboration with the five other U.S. Regional Arts Organizations (RAOs), launched a new grant program, ArtsHERE. 

ArtsHERE supports organizations that have demonstrated a commitment to equity within their practices and programming and have undertaken consistent engagement with underserved groups/communities. Grants are for specific projects that will strengthen the organization’s capacity to sustain meaningful community engagement and increase arts participation for underserved groups/communities. Grantees have access to peer-learning and technical assistance opportunities designed to share knowledge and build networks. 

As a pilot program, ArtsHERE will be documented and evaluated by the National Endowment for the Arts to better understand the project activities supported and how grantees approached this work.

Program Description


The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), as part of the nation’s arts and cultural ecosystem, supports diverse opportunities for arts participation in communities across the United States and its jurisdictions so that all people can live more artful lives. “Artful lives” is an inclusive concept encompassing everything from the creation and presentation of art by trained artists and public engagement with this art, to the way the arts are a part of our everyday lives through making, doing, teaching, and learning.

Despite these efforts, historically underserved communities with rich and dynamic cultural identities continue to have lower arts participation rates than other groups. Participation in and engagement with the arts is essential to our individual well-being, the well-being of communities, and to our local economies.

Grant Opportunity

To better understand these dynamics and address the disparities in arts participation, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) in partnership with South Arts and in collaboration with the other five U.S. Regional Arts Organizations (USRAOs), is launching the ArtsHERE pilot grant program. 

ArtsHERE will invest in a range of projects from eligible organizations throughout arts and cultural ecosystems that have demonstrated a commitment to equity within their practices and programming. Examples of commitment to equity include the following: programming that is reflective of the community they serve, planning activities that are inclusive of diverse voices, etc., and have undertaken consistent engagement with underserved groups/communities that have rich and inspiring artistic and cultural contributions to share.

For the purpose of these funding guidelines, “underserved group/community” refers to those whose opportunities to experience the arts have been limited by factors such as geography, race/ethnicity, economics and/or disability. At least one of these characteristics must be evident in the proposed project. Age alone (e.g., youth, seniors) does not qualify a group as underserved. 

The intent of ArtsHERE is to strengthen the capacity of organizations that are already engaging with underserved groups/communities to boost arts participation, learn from their experiences in undertaking this work, and connect these organizations to each other and to other relevant entities through technical assistance and peer-learning opportunities intended to bolster, amplify, and extend effective strategies and ways of working. In the long-term, investments made through the ArtsHERE program will build grantees’ capacity to sustain meaningful community engagement, and increase arts participation for underserved groups/communities.


Why apply for an ArtsHERE grant? 

ArtsHERE grantees will benefit from:

  • Investment: Non-matching, project-based grants ranging from $65,000 to $130,000 each will be awarded to approximately 95 eligible organizations across the country. Applicants must provide evidence of their commitment to equity within their practices and programming as well as demonstrate previous experience of successful engagement with underserved groups/communities. We welcome applications from organizations that are diverse in terms of geography, scale of operations, and focus of arts programming; as well as organizations that work at the intersection of the arts and other domains (such as community development, health/well-being, climate/environment, or economic development). Applicants should propose a specific project that will strengthen and sustain the organization’s capacity for robust community engagement, as well as support strategies to increase arts participation for underserved groups/communities. Grants are also intended to help organizations better understand their communities and to approach their operations and programming in ways that will expand their reach. Allowable project costs and activities may include one or more of the following:
    • Organizational needs assessment and/or equity planning assessments; 
    • Strategic planning or logic model development and/or implementation; 
    • Staff development or leadership training (such as cultural competency training for staff and/or those who develop and implement programming); 
    • Stakeholder and community engagement activities; 
    • Field or community research that will help organizations to better document their commitment to equity as evidenced within their practices and programming and relationship with their communities;
    • Promotion and marketing activities; 
    • Translation services to allow individuals with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) to participate in programmatic activities; and 
    • Salary, allowable expenses, consulting, and contracting fees for related project activities.


  • Learning: ArtsHERE offers grantees additional resources and assistance beyond grant funds. Grantee leadership and staff will participate in technical assistance and peer-learning communities with other ArtsHERE grantees for knowledge-sharing, network-building, peer-based learning, and many other offerings. Learning opportunities to be provided are monthly cohort sessions (1.5-2 hrs per month), one-on-one meetings (30-60 min per month) with their assigned coach, and workshops with topic-based experts (1.5 hrs provided quarterly). Required Participation:
    • 1:1’s required for the first 12 months of the program, as needed in the last 6 months of the program
    • Monthly meetings mandatory
    • Topic-based expert workshops mandatory w/optional 1:1s w/facilitator (as provided)
    • Mandatory monthly completion of evaluations/surveys
  • Evaluation: As a pilot program, ArtsHERE will be documented and evaluated by the National Endowment for the Arts to better understand the project activities supported through this program and how grantees approached the work. The evaluation will result in a summary of lessons learned and may inform the future of the ArtsHERE program. Reporting on grant activities, including annual progress and final reports, and completing forms or surveys intended to collect information or feedback that can inform ArtsHERE services will be required of all grantees. At the time of award, grantees will receive detailed information about optional evaluation activities that they may opt-in or out of at any time. A consent notice will be provided in the application. 
Application Calendar

Application Calendar

Part 1-Statement of Interest

  • November 15, 2023 12:01 AM ET GO Smart opens
  • November 30, 2023 2:00 PM ET Webinar: “ArtsHERE Overview & Preparing for Part I Statement of Interest.”
    • The webinar recording and slide deck are available below in the “Webinar and Office Hours” section.
  • January 19, 2024 11:59 PM ET Statement of Interest deadline
  • March 1, 2024 All organizations will be notified by email about the status of their application. Invitations to submit a full application will be sent by email.

Part 2-Submit Full Application (By Invitation)

  • March 8, 2024 12:01 AM ET GO Smart opens
  • April 19, 2024 11:59 PM ET GO Smart deadline
  • Spring-Summer 2024 Peer panels review applications
  • August 2024 Earliest announcement of grant award or rejection
  • October 1, 2024 Earliest beginning date for proposed project


The following are eligible to apply:

  • Nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3), U.S. organizations;
  • Federally recognized tribal communities or tribes; or
  • Non-federally recognized tribal communities or tribes that are also nonprofit, tax exempt 501(c)(3), U.S. organizations.

Applicants from the nation’s 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. jurisdictions are eligible to apply.

The applicant organization must have programs or services centered in arts and/or cultural activities. 

Prior to January 19, 2024, the applicant organization must have completed a three-year history of arts and/or cultural programming.

  • For eligibility purposes, “three-year history” refers to when an organization began its programming and not when it incorporated or received nonprofit, tax-exempt status. 
  • Programming is not required to have taken place during consecutive years.
  • Organizations that previously operated as a program of another institution may include arts programming it carried out while part of that institution for its three-year history.

All applicants must have a Unique Entity Identifier through the System for Award Management ( for the grant to be made.

The following are not eligible to apply:

  • Individuals;
  • Applications through a fiscal sponsor/agent (an organization must apply directly on its own behalf and cannot act as a pass-through entity);
  • Federal agencies or local departments of federal agencies;
  • For-profit entities;
  • Units of state or local government;
  • Colleges or universities; or
  • Individual educational preschools, K-12 schools, or private K-12 institutions. 
  • Organizations that have had their IRS status revoked are not eligible to apply for a grant. Tax-exempt status must be current at the time of application.

Late or incomplete applications are considered ineligible, and will not be considered for funding. 


Application Limits

An organization may submit only one application for an ArtsHERE grant.

Period of Performance

Our support of a project can begin no sooner than October 1, 2024 and must end not later than June 30, 2026. Grantees must complete all project activities within the Period of Performance. Grantees are expected to participate in the cohort throughout the entire Period of Performance.

Grant Amounts

Grants range from $65,000 to $130,000 each. Grants do not require a cost share/match from the grantee. 

Panelists will evaluate applications based on the review criteria, which includes the applicant’s ability to carry out the project. To that end, keep your organization’s size and internal capacity in mind when deciding how much to request. Selecting a grant amount is solely the decision of the applicant. 

South Arts reserves the right to limit support of a project to a particular portion(s) or cost(s).

The activities and costs listed below are not allowable and should not be included as part of your project or budget.

  • General operating or seasonal support.
  • Direct grants to individuals. 
  • Social activities such as receptions, parties, galas.
  • Awards to individuals or organizations to honor or recognize achievement.
  • Commercial (for-profit) enterprises or activities, including concessions, food, T-shirts, artwork, or other items for resale. This includes online or virtual sales/shops.
  • Lobbying, including activities intended to influence the outcome of elections or influence government officials regarding pending legislation, either directly or through specific lobbying appeals to the public.
  • Voter registration drives and related activities.
  • Construction, purchase, or renovation of facilities. 
  • Subgranting or regranting.
  • Cash reserves and endowments.
  • Costs for the creation of new organizations.
  • Costs to bring a project into compliance with federal grant requirements. This includes environmental or historical assessments or reviews and the hiring of individuals to write assessments or reviews or to otherwise comply with the National Environmental Policy Act and/or the National Historic Preservation Act.
  • Expenditures related to compensation to foreign nationals and/or travel to or from foreign countries when those expenditures are not in compliance with regulations issued by the U.S. Treasury Department Office of Foreign Assets Control. 
  • Project costs supported by any other federal funding. This includes federal funding received either directly from a federal agency (e.g., National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities, Housing and Urban Development, National Science Foundation, or an entity that receives federal appropriations such as the Corporation for Public Broadcasting or Amtrak); or indirectly from a pass-through organization such as a state arts agency, regional arts organization, or a grant made to another entity.
  • Alcoholic beverages.
  • Gifts and prizes, including cash prizes as well as other items (e.g., electronic devices, gift certificates) with monetary value.
  • Contributions and donations to other entities.
  • General miscellaneous or contingency costs.
  • Fines and penalties, bad debt costs, deficit reduction.
  • Marketing expenses that are not directly related to the project.
  • Audit costs that are not directly related to a single audit (formerly known as an A-133 audit).
  • Rental costs for home office workspace owned by individuals or entities affiliated with the applicant organization.
  • The purchase of vehicles.
  • Visa costs paid to the U.S. government.
  • Costs incurred before the beginning or after the completion of the official period of performance.
  • Research involving human subjects, unless approved by South Arts in advance of the research being conducted.
Application Review

Application Review

ArtsHERE will use a two-part application process to minimize the applicant burden of a single, lengthy application. See “How to Apply” below for more details of application process

  • Part 1-Submit Statement of Interest: Applicants must submit a statement of interest. 
  • Part 2-Submit Full Application (By Invitation): Applicants will complete the application by invitation.  

See How to Apply for more details.

Artistic excellence and artistic merit are the primary criteria which will be considered by screeners and panelists during the review of statements of interest (Part 1), and in applications (Part 2).

For the purposes of ArtsHERE, artistic excellence, and artistic merit can be understood as the organization’s use of the arts in any discipline as a core component of consistently engaging its community or serving and/or reaching individuals whose opportunities to experience the arts are limited by race/ethnicity, economics, geography, or disability. Artistic excellent and artistic merit are evidenced through these primary review criteria:

  • Organizational Capacity and Capacity-Building Project
  • Alignment with ArtsHERE Commitment to Equity  
  • Engagement with Historically Underserved Communities

Secondary Review Criteria

The secondary review criteria listed below will be used to ensure that a diverse group of organizations are selected and funded through ArtsHERE.  

  • geographic location  
  • artistic disciplines  
  • cultural traditions  
  • operational scale  
  • arts/cultural programming  
  • organizational budget sizes.  

*For the purpose of application review, “underserved group/community” refers to those whose opportunities to experience the arts have been limited by factors such as geography, race/ethnicity, economics, or disability.

For each review criterion, panelists will assign a numeric score based upon the following rubric:

  • Strongly Agree (21 – 25 points): Strongly achieves the stated criteria. Meets all review criteria
    requirements to the highest degree. Responses are highly relevant and lead to a comprehensive understanding of the project.
  • Somewhat Agree (16 – 20 points): Adequately achieves the stated criteria. Meets the review criteria requirements to some degree. Responses are relevant and lead to a clear understanding of the project.
  • Agree (11– 15 points): Moderately achieves the stated criteria. Meets at least two of the review requirements. Responses are general and provide a basic overview of the project. 
  • Somewhat Disagree (6 – 10 points): Minimally achieves the stated criteria. Meets at least one of the review requirements. Responses are unclear. 
  • Strongly Disagree (1 – 5 points): Does not achieve the stated criteria. Does not meet the review requirements. Responses are unclear.

Applicant Feedback

Applicant feedback is not available for Part I, however, applicants can request feedback for Part II. To request copies of panelist scores and comments, contact the ArtsHERE program staff at the U.S. Regional Arts Organization within which you reside.

How to Apply

How to Apply

Please see the ArtsHERE Tutorials and Webinars Page for detailed step-by-step instructions that will walk you through the application process. 

Before you get started, though, please carefully read the following:

ArtsHERE will use a two-part application process to minimize the applicant burden of a single, lengthy application.

  • Part 1-Submit Statement of Interest: Applicants must submit a statement of interest consisting of brief responses to a series of questions. Applicants must submit a statement of interest. RAO staff will review the responses to determine if an application is eligible and complete; then independent screeners will determine if the statement of interest aligns with the goals and objectives of the ArtsHERE program. All applicants who submit a statement of interest will receive an update in March 2024. A select number of applicants will be invited to submit a full application. 
  • Part 2-Submit Full Application (By Invitation): Organizations that are invited to submit a full application will prepare a detailed narrative describing their proposed project, provide a project budget, and upload supporting documents which will be reviewed by a peer panel. 

All applications must be submitted electronically (both Part 1 and Part 2) using the GO Smart Grants Management System Portal (“GO Smart”). Applicants must set up a profile within the GO Smart system before completing the application. 

While it is not required at the time of application, your organization must have a Unique Entity Identifier, also known as a “UEI, before any grant funds can be received. In order to avoid any project delays, applicants are encouraged to obtain the UEI as soon as possible. The UEI is a 12-character alpha numeric value that will be assigned by the System for Award Managment (SAM) for free. You are not required to have a full registration. The information required for getting a Unique Entity ID without registration is minimal. It only validates your organization’s legal business name and address.

If you have questions about SAM registration or obtaining a UEI, contact the SAM Federal Service Desk. Call 1-866-606-8220 or see the information posted on the SAM website at SAM Help.

Other Questions?

Please visit our Contact Us section for your Regional Arts Organization’s program contact information.

Award Administration

Award Administration

If selected, the organization must have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) from before an award can be made. Regardless of where an applicant organization is located, grants will be awarded and administered by South Arts. Additionally, the organization will enter into a grant agreement with South Arts. The agreement will outline the terms and conditions, including Federal regulations as well as project and crediting requirements of the ArtsHERE program award. 

Grantees must comply with all requirements as stipulated in the grant agreement, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Grantees are required to carry out activities consistent with the original application as approved for funding.
  • Changes to funded activities must be proposed in advance and require prior written approval from South Arts. Requests for changes are considered on a case-by-case basis; approval is not guaranteed.
  • Participate in any ArtsHERE Capacity Building and Technical Assistance cohort meetings and convenings. This may include, but is not limited to, peer-to-peer mentorship opportunities, as well as data evaluation and logic model workshops. Travel support will be provided by South Arts. 
  • Utilize/complete surveys developed and provided as part of the grant program.
  • Use of the South Arts and NEA logos/wordmarks, laid out in the ArtsHERE Branding Guide, on all printed, electronic materials, and websites (program, catalogs, postcards, posters, newsletters, leaflets, publication, etc.) that specifically reference the project.
  • Complete an online final report form summarizing grant-funded activities and accomplishments at the end of the period of performance. 
  • Grantees will submit financial reports to document use of funds on allowable activities and costs. 

ArtsHERE is a federally funded grant program, managed by South Arts, on behalf of the National Endowment for the Arts. In addition to South Arts Terms and Conditions, there are national policy and other legal requirements, statutes, and regulations that govern your grant award.  

Project Reporting and Evaluation

Before applying, review the ArtsHERE reporting requirements. A progress report must be submitted at the end of the first year, followed by a Final Descriptive Report within 30 days of the end of the grant period of performance. If you have any questions, contact staff at the U.S. Regional Arts Organization within which you reside before applying.

Through the progress report and final report, you are required to provide evidence of project accomplishments including, but not limited to, work samples, community action plans, cultural asset studies, programs, reviews, relevant news clippings, and playbills. Remember that you are required to maintain all project documentation, including financial records for 48 months following submission of your final reports.

As part of the evaluation, all grantees are expected to participate in baseline data gathering and contribute regular feedback on their participation in ArtsHERE, including technical assistance provided through the initiative. 

Optional Evaluation Activities

Beyond the required data collections, all grantees will have an opportunity to participate in optional evaluation activities, including but not limited to interviews, documentation sharing, and a technical working group. An informed consent notice will be made available at the time of application, and an informed consent form, to be reviewed upon the acceptance of a grant award, will provide information that organizations can use to decide if they will participate in optional evaluation activities. Grantees may opt-in or -out of optional evaluation activities at any time without jeopardizing the grant award. Grantees that choose to participate in optional evaluation activities will receive, for time spent, financial compensation.

Crediting Requirement

Grantees must clearly acknowledge support from the NEA and South Arts using approved logos and crediting language highlighted below * in their programs and related promotional material, including publications and websites. Additional acknowledgment requirements from each USRAO may be provided later. 

*ArtsHERE is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with South Arts and in collaboration with the other five U.S. Regional Arts Organizations.

Changes in Projects

Grantees are expected to carry out a project that is consistent with the proposal that was approved for funding by South Arts. Grantees  must notify South Arts immediately of any significant changes in their project, including budget or staffing, that occur after they have submitted their application. Notification must be made by contacting your RAO grant administrator. If the project or the organization’s capacity changes significantly before an award is made, South Arts may recommend revising or withdrawing the funding recommendation.

Approval of change requests is not guaranteed. Detailed information is included the above referenced General Terms & Conditions. 

Webinar and Office Hours

ArtsHERE Webinar

The ArtsHERE team held a program and application webinar on Thursday, November 30 from 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET, which was recorded and made available below

Download Webinar Slide Deck

U.S. RAO’s ArtsHERE Office Hours

Need more information or help with your Statement of Interest? Sign up for a slot during your RAO’s ArtsHERE office hours for some one-on-one time with program staff.

Arts Midwest

IA, IL, IN, MI, MN, ND, OH, SD, WI, and the Native Nations that share this geography

Contact for support.

Mid-America Arts Alliance

AR, KS, MO, NE, OK, TX, and the Native Nations that share this geography

Contact for support.

Mid Atlantic Arts

DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA, PR, USVI, VA, WV, and the Native Nations that share this geography

Contact for support.

New England Foundation for the Arts

CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT, and the Native Nations that share this geography

Contact for support.

South Arts

AL, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, and the Native Nations that share this geography

Contact for support.

Western States Arts Federation

AK, AS, AZ, CA, CNMI, CO, GU, HI, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY, and the Native Nations that share this geography

Contact for support.


Following the webinar (the recording is available above), the ArtsHERE team assembled a Frequently Asked Question document.

Download the Frequently Asked Questions

If your questions are not addressed in the document above, connect with your USRAO representative for additional support.

Communications Toolkit

If you would like to help us share information about ArtsHERE with your colleagues, networks, and constituents, you may access our Communications Toolkit here.

Contact Us

Our regional program staff is happy to provide more information or answer any questions you may have. Please reach out to them directly using the contact information below.

Holly Doll (She/Her/Hers)
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin
Christine Bial (She/Her/Hers)

Director, Arts and Humanities Grant Programs
816.421.1388 x227

Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas
Leeann Wallett (She/Her/Hers)

Program Director, Creativity in Community
410.539.6656 x119

Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Virginia, West Virginia
Audrey Seraphin (She/Her/Hers)

Program Manager, Regional Grants and Initiatives

Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
Aiyana Straughn (She/Her/Hers)

Director, Arts Partnership
404.874.7244 x111

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee
Sierra Scott (She/Her/Hers)

Grants Specialist
303.629.1166 x881

Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, California, Colorado, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

Statements of Interest Are Now Closed

Thank you for your interest in ArtsHERE. The submission window for ArtsHERE Statements of Interest closed on January 19, 2024. Applicants will be notified of their status by March 1, 2024. The guidelines on this page are for reference only.

If you would like to learn about additional programs from the National Endowment for the Arts or your local Regional Arts Organization, please visit or your respective RAO website for more information.

El plazo de presentación de declaraciones de interés de ArtsHERE se cerró el 19 de enero de 2024. Los solicitantes serán notificados de su estado antes del 1 de marzo de 2024. Las pautas a continuación son solo como referencia.

Si desea obtener información sobre programas adicionales del Fondo Nacional de las Artes (National Endowment for the Arts, NEA) o su organización artística regional local (Regional Arts Organization, RAO), visite o su sitio web de RAO respectivo para obtener más información.

ArtsHERE is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with South Arts and in collaboration with the other five U.S. Regional Arts Organizations. Wallace Foundation is supporting a partnership between the National Endowment for the Arts and U.S. Regional Arts Organizations by providing matching funds to support ArtsHERE.